Creatives for gooooooood

En bijsluiter en 51 ‘speelkaarten’ voor creatives om met hun klanten rond de SDG’s te leren werken.

een opdracht van ink. copywriting collectief voor LUCA school of arts 
woorden mee geschreven door
Annelies Desmet, vormgeving door Edouard Schneider, trekkracht van Bold Media


The 51 cards in your hands are the world’s ultimate to-do list. Put together by the UN, these Sustainable Development Goals are meant to lead us all out of the mess we’re in. Think of the SDGs as an updated version of the ten commandments: part what to do (or not to do), part moral compass. In straight-forward messages, they spur us on to end poverty, achieve gender equality, combat climate change and so on.

It’s a list that should be tacked to everybody’s wall, and especially to yours. But the clients have the money, so they call the shots, no? No.

as a creative,
you have
the power.

Clients turn to you because you have a skill they don’t. They can invent, produce, believe and develop all they want—without a design, imagery or the right words, they have nothing to show the world. Not only do you turn products and services into something customers can understand, you also know that people don’t live for functionality alone. People need beauty. And you do beauty better than anyone. Not the thin glossy layer on top, we’re talking about the one that’s ingrained in every decision you make. You know the one. Your relentless search for the bold and the italic is a negotiation advantage. 

This deck of cards will help you convince your clients that with your creative mastermind, they can bend restrictions into a competitive advantage. That with your sense of aesthetics, taking care of people and the planet doesn’t kill the profit. Show the ladies and gentlemen that communication, copywriting and branding can do more than yell ‘new!’ and ‘improved recipe!’. 

We need this planet to last. We need to clean up the mess we’re in. So let your work be as much about preservation as it is about creation. Use these cards to find examples of how playing by the rules doesn’t equal restriction. Quite the contrary. Always’ ‘Like a girl’ campaign started a world-wide revolution of women standing up for themselves. Tony’s Chocolonely are making not just their own, but all chocolate slave-free. And all of these ideas started in a meeting, around a table, with a creative speaking up. 

Over to you, now. 

as a creative,
you have
the power.

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